Salone Blog page is currently the leading blog in Sierra Leone with a strong presence on all social media platforms.
Salone blog page has gathered close to 30,000 followers on Instagram and Facebook due to always providing accurate, timely and entertaining content about Sierra Leone.
The blog generates buzz with its content and often generates social media conversations with interesting posts.
Salone blog page covers sports, music, entertainment, and politics about Sierra Leone.
It was founded in February 2021 by Sierra Leonean entrepreneur MJC..
He founded the blog with a vision to bring relevant content to all Sierra Leoneans on social media.
You can find Salone blog on social media – on Instagram at saloneblog_page and on Facebook at Saloneblogpage.
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Godwin Okine is a journalism major with 10 years of experience in blogging, content creation, SEO etc.
Godwin loves reading and researching and puts those skills to use as the Founding Editor of
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